Keyboard Shortcuts


 Left Cursor Go to the previous image
 Right Cursor Go to the next image
(or Space when displaying images full screen)
 Home Go to the first image
 End Go to the last image

Editing Functions:

 Ctrl+I Add images/videos from your computer
 Ctrl+T Add a title/text frame
 Alt+T Edit the text of the current image or title page
 Ctrl+Shift+T Remove any text that has been added to an image
 Alt+Left Promote the image (move it closer to the start of the slideshow)
 Alt+Right Demote the image (move it closer to the end of the slideshow)
 Alt+Up/Down Move the image up/down
 Alt+Home/End Move the image to the start/end of the slideshow
 Ctrl+D/Delete Remove the selected image(s) from the slideshow
 Ctrl+Comma Rotate the selected image(s) left
 Ctrl+Period Rotate the selected image(s) right
 Ctrl+A Select all images
 Ctrl+E Open the selected image(s) in an image editor

File Functions:

 Ctrl+N Create new slideshow project
 Ctrl+O Open slideshow project
 Ctrl+S Save the slideshow project

Other Functions:

Ctrl+Enter Display the current image
Ctrl+Space Preview the slideshow
Esc Cancel the display/preview/full-screen
F1 Display this help file
Alt+F4 Close PixPlay

